The Pentecostal/ Charismatic “Slain in The Spirit” Lie

A few years ago at a small Pentecostal church in a neighboring community, a visitor who was “slain in the spirit” sued the church for $50,000 due to his being “slain” caused him significant bodily injury, I mean, the man had to have surgery and this was after the “prophet” hit him in his ear and told him that God was going to restore his hearing and that he would never need to wear a hearing aid again! The entire event was captured on video tape that was made available to purchase by the church for $5.00. The pastor settled out of court. After that occurrence, a number of Pentecostal evangelists in the area began to erect signs in their church that read,“FALL AT YOUR OWN RISK,” that alone should satisfy any doubt that many people have concerning the validity of “being slain in the spirit.”  It seems like this is the latest trend occurring in many Pentecostal churches today- people suing for damages caused by being “slain”. 

slain in the spirit 1

Terms such as being “slain in the spirit” and “falling under the anointing” or “being drunk in the spirit” are not found in the bible. The only mentions of being drunk in the bible always has a negative connotation. The only place that mentions “spiritual drunkenness” is Isaiah 29: 9-14, and it refers to God’s judgment upon sin and apostasy. The false teachers who promote being drunk in the spirit point to the Christian bible, Acts 2:13 as justification for their aberrant practice. On the day of Pentecost, as the apostles were preaching the gospel, some in the crowd said, “They have had too much wine.” The statement was obviously a mockery of the apostles, and Peter denies even the slightest inebriation (verse 15).  False Christian teachers take that verse and say it’s “evidence” that Peter and the apostles were preaching in a senseless stupor.  

There are no scriptures that explain or even reference anything about one being prayed for and falling to the floor and remaining unconscious for a period of time! Some people even behave as if they are having convulsions!

A theophany (thee AH’ fuh nee) is a physical appearance of God to a human being. Several theophanies are described in the Hebrew bible (aka Old Testament) but all had one thing in common. No one saw God’s actual face or touched Him, even Moses did not receive that privilege. Although the Torah lists several instances of Jacob and Moses speaking to the Lord “face to face,” that must have been a figure of speech for a personal conversation, because God specifically told Moses:   “…you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” (Exodus 33:20) So could you imagine what would happen if He touched you? It would seem that all blemishes and imperfections would instantly leave ones body if our Holy God Of The Universe touched you.  In 2 Samuel 6:6-7 here’s what happened when God “touched” someone:
But when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah reached out toward the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen nearly upset it. And the anger of the Lord burned against Uzzah, and God struck him down there for his irreverence; and he died there by the ark of God. 

In the vision described in Isaiah 6, It wasn’t God who touched his lips but a seraph touched a coal to his lips, the seraph didn’t even touch him: … Isaiah 6:2 Seraphs stood in attendance on Him. Each of them had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his legs, and with two he would fly. ….. Isaiah 6:6 Then one of the seraphs flew over to me with a live coal… he touched it to my lips and declared, “Now that this has touched your lips, your guilt shall depart and your sin be purged away'” In Jeremiah 1:9 it reads: Then the Lord stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.   Every sending mentioned concerning a hand is an expression of stretching forth. Another explanation is like the Targum: And the Lord sent the words of His prophecy.

I have heard reports where people claim to have been “pushed” or “forcefully assisted” to fall backwards. Many people claim to experience an energy or a force that causes them to fall back however, there is no biblical basis for this. There may be an energy or force involved, but it is not from God or His holy Spirit it is most likely either an imagined force or demonic entity involvement.

Such behavior is debased and “leads to debauchery.” Debauchery means “lawless insolence or unmanageable caprice”.


God wants every aspect of our lives as His children to be under the complete control of His Spirit, this doesn’t come by drunkenness and it does not mimic the effects of drunkenness. Acting drunk and blaming it on the spirit of God is sin and those who teach spiritual intoxication are more closely allied with Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and drunkenness than with the true God of the Universe. When God breathed life (His Spirit) into Adam, I don’t believe that Adam laid on the ground unconscious for hours or walked around as if in a drunkard stupor. If he did, it surely was omitted from the book of Genesis in the Torah.  

Being filled with the Spirit is not an ecstatic or emotionally charged experience and is not a heavenly high or spiritual buzz. Being filled with the Spirit of God is a steady, continual submission of one’s life to the God of all creation, and will always reflect in one’s lifestyle- in private and in public. 

holy spirit

The woman above can’t even dress or act modestly as God commands all women to do, so how could she along with those who wear tight and/or revealing clothing and jump around foolishly possibly be so engulfed and overtaken by the holy spirit of God when they can’t even obey one of His commandments? 

Look, as far as I’m concerned- if the holy Spirit of God overtakes someone to the point of rolling on the floor, laying unconscious and dancing, it should overtake that same person to LIVE ABOVE SIN and to BE HOLY not to dance around, fall unconscious then afterwards go home and indulge in willful sin again! The Holy Spirit should have the SAME EFFECT on these people at home, when they are alone in prayer as they claim it does in church (showtime). Do I believe in the Holy Spirit? YES, I do! Everyone and everything in existence that has life has the Spirit of God in him, her or it. I believe the Holy Spirit of God to be the power of divine inspiration, as well as the dramatically personified divine voice engaged in ongoing dialogue with those who study the commands of God and the writings inspired by His Spirit. 

Have you ever called one of your church members mid-week and they said, “I didn’t hear your call because I was on the floor of my kitchen slain in the spirit.”? I doubt it! Being engulfed by the Spirit of God will result in changed behavior! One will never feel comfortable being immodest, gossiping, lying, cheating, etc. if they are “overtaken” with the Spirit of God. A Holy person is one filled with the Spirit of God- If it is God’s Spirit that fills them, it will be absolutely clean and will detest anything that is unclean. 

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The sole purpose of being in the Spirit is to overcome sin and to inherit the Kingdom of God! 

Many people are good with unauthentic church displays of theatrics, but behind closed doors they do the opposite. God see’s EVERYTHING, nothing can be hid from Him. Do a reality check and it won’t be difficult to determine for yourself if you’re really living in “the Spirit” or not. Falling down and rotating on the floor doesn’t make one holy and certainly isn’t an indicator that one is filled with the Spirit of God, it actually indicates just the opposite!  

19 thoughts on “The Pentecostal/ Charismatic “Slain in The Spirit” Lie

  1. THANK YOU-FINALLY someone with enough courage to write the truth! Anyone with any sense should consider who God is- He’s the Creator of the entire universe, the heavens and everything above the heavens and the earth and everything below. If God were to REALLY literally touch someone to the point of someone falling to the floor [when lightning “touches” people they die or are left seriously injured] and He is the Creator of lightning that kills people…. I will NEVER believe that God causes people to fall to the floor, rotate and convolt without that person BEING CHANGED FOREVER! I have seen hundreds of people “slain” on Sunday and are cussing and gossiping by Wednesday.

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  2. Thank you for posting this truth! If the same lightning that was created by God causes DEATH and/or SERIOUS INJURY when it touches people- one would think that a touch from God that can cause one to fall to the floor would be more powerful than lightning! There’s a lot of people lying to themselves and underestimating the power of God! If God causes one to fall on the floor and the same person is lying, and verbally/emotionally abusing someone by Wednesday, that means being “slain” by God has no real purpose!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have seen MANY PEOPLE falling on church floors, running around in the church and doing all sorts of things (claiming to be “in the spirit”) and one was on drugs and ended up committing suicide, another one committed suicide, one sexually molested a little girl, one cheated on her husband with someone else’s husband…. Why didn’t a “touch from God” change them? Why didn’t that “touch from God” remove their sin nature? People need to WAKE UP! A REAL encounter with God should produce REAL CHANGE!

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  4. A powerful deception, to cause those who do not sincerely love God, to believe that which is false, a test if you like, separating the genuine from the false – the genuine will hold tight to God’s Word of Truth, whilst others will be impressed with powerful/persuasive false signs and wanders (binding and loosing via the laying on of hands is also false, and far from casting Satan out, lets him into the minds, and so lives of people, religious people, as they open their minds to him through false teaching – remember – “Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world,” except the false ministers keep telling you that you are indwelt by an evil spirit when you are not making Satan stronger than he is in reality) which will cause them to deny God’s True Word/Teaching, and accept false teaching, doctrine that is untrue, unbiblical, corrupting, causing people to turn away from God and His Nature/Character/Holiness/Truth, and accept a different teaching, yet still in the Name of God, and within the church.


  5. Wow! They look….. foolish to say the least! This has absolutely nothing to do with God and I think its a big mockery of His holy Spirit


  6. This is the only thing that will save our people. Especially the African American community! These people don’t give a damn about you! They only want YOUR money!!!!!! Got ya’ll looking like fools!


  7. People like this need to be sued! If you have an old parent going to these type churches, especially black folk get them our NOW because all they do is prey on them and take their money. My mother was swindled out of all of her life savings by a false prophet young enough to be her grandson tricked her into giving all of her money. She got nothing back in return.


  8. I can’t help but laugh each time I see Benny Hinn waving his coat and people falling on the floor like that. It is so hilarious to me. Isn’t it funny how not one of these clowns can heal the corona virus?


  9. The whole thing looks so foolish to me, they look as a bunch of actors yet they deceive themselves and believe it. It is so easy to hypnotise these type people, week minded. You can get them to believe anything just say Jesus said it or holy ghost fire. It is one of the saddest things that I’ve ever witnessed and by far the most disgusting.

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    • Hello, Ademola. God sends a “Powerful deception,” we must not underestimate the power of the deception, it is a deception, it is not of God, though allowed by God to test us, to test the real Church, the baptized Church, the Spirit filled Church, these people are being misled, deceived, but I pray that many of them will see the reality of the deception, they are not fools, they are being tested, they may well past the test, if and when they put God’s Word first, and it will hurt them deeply to discover they had been deceived, I was once where they are now, I too was deceived, but I held fast to God’s Word, and He led me out of it, but it was difficult, frightening, but when I hear many people make it sound as if they would never have been misled in this way, and discover that many of those people that I know, have refused water baptism and refused baptism with The holy Spirit – both of which we have been commanded by Jesus to receive – then I think to myself, well you have been deceived also.

      The True Church, the baptized in The Holy Spirit, tongues speaking Church, is being tested by this sign and wonder, God is allowing it, others that call themselves “churches” are not even included as they have rejected God’s plan for them in other ways.
      The influence of false wonders, and false doctrine, are equally powerful, people gather around themselves people who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear, but God’s Word remains true.

      I have in the past written a lot about/against the Toronto Blessing, being slain in the spirit, false deliverance, and the rejection of the two baptisms – they are all equally dangerous, and they all have deceived millions/billions, countless numbers of people who call themselves Christians – there is but One Truth, we have deviated from that Truth so much over the last two thousand years +, and yet the Truth remains, I find it all so heart breaking, and yet, “Those who seek Me, find Me.” It is more than I can do to warn and admonish people alone, I cannot, but there are others also.

      Be sure to be baptized, as Jesus said we must be, in water (NOT christening which is a manmade fiction), be baptized with The Holy Spirit, via the laying on of hands of someone who is already baptized with The Holy Spirit, speak in tongues – the God given witness for your own encouragement remember – and bury your head in Scripture, and study, then test all things – ask God to walk with you and talk with you, and reason in His Word, but force nothing, let Him teach you – ask yourself this question, why did Paul say – “If Christ is not in you, you are none of His,” Jesus said, that when in the upper room (when that day comes) you will KNOW, that I am IN My Father, you are IN Me, and I am IN you, concerning the baptism with The Holy Spirit that came upon them in the upper room that day, it is a baptism for all of to receive, Jesus said I have a baptism with which to be baptized – for us to be baptized with, Jesus was already baptized/anointed, His baptism revealed Him to be The Christ, in fact it was via His baptism that He became The Christ, The Anointed One, we too are meant to be baptized also, sharing the very same Anointing as Jesus did, He being The First, we being the many, that we too may be born-again children of God. He was the “First-born of many,” we are to be the many, this is how we become a ‘Christian,’ meaning – an anointed one, a born-again child of God – then we are to live in enduring, loving, obedience to God, keeping His commandments, in loving faith, until the end.


      • ” why did Paul say – “If Christ is not in you, you are none of His,” Jesus said, that when in the upper room (when that day comes) you will KNOW, that I am IN My Father, you are IN Me, and I am IN you, concerning the baptism with The Holy Spirit that came upon them in the upper room that day, it is a baptism for all of to receive, Jesus said I have a baptism with which to be baptized – for us to be baptized with, Jesus was already baptized/anointed, His baptism revealed Him to be The Christ, in fact it was via His baptism that He became The Christ,” Paul? Who is Paul? He wasn’t mentioned in the Torah? If “Christ” isn’t in you? God never said that! God never told anyone if “Christ” isn’t in you God isn’t! It doesn’t even make sense! The only Spirit that is in me and that I want in me is my Creator God Himself! The whole baptizing thing was mimicked by the Romans to “replace” the Jews going to the micveh. You should study and know what you’re talking about before trying to teach someone something. Not everyone believes in the Roman created New Testament. I believe what came directly from God, not what came from anyone else. What came from God is sure, anything else is questionable.


      • You are very very confused. You really need to leave Christianity. You’re so worried about having an “anointing”… God told us to be Holy, not once did you mention that! Be holy! God is One God, not 2 or 3. Keep Sabbath. I wonder if you’re doing any of those things?


    • I agree! All of that jumping around… women with tight fitting and short dresses…. look so damn stupid! This is in no way God, not at all. This is disgusting! They get dressed up to go to church and perform and then go back home and mistreat their family members the same day. I’ve seen it! I was raised in “the church” with all of it’s foolery and I am now free- I thank God! My sister used to go to church with dresses so short that all of the old men would look at her, I always believed they were calling her a whore but she thought that she was the bomb! I would be so embarrassed to sit beside her. And then, I would watch her clear her throat and prepare herself to get up and do her dance. Wow! I’m so happy that my eyes have now been opened and I know that there is ONE GOD and His name is not Jesus!


  10. Christianity is a whole JOKE and only God Himself can free someone who has been blinded by the lies of that religion, especially if you’ve been born and raised in it like me. They teach that Jesus is God, but Jesus died- so that mean that God died? Does it mean that God is so weak that He had to become a nasty human being who needs food and sleep? Does that make sense? And of course he would have to be a white man. Give me a break! I believe that my spinal cord injury may be the result of being “slain” so many times when I was a part of the foolery! I’m even embarrassed in hindsight, reflecting on all of the performances that were actually displays of pain that was inflicted, upon me from people. I believe in the God of the Jews, and the only way to learn the truth about that God is from the Jews, I chose to follow the religious Orthodox Jews where I have been enlightened, and am being taught the truth for the first time in my life everything makes sense! I was NEVER taught about being modest while I was a Christian, instead, I was welcomed in the church to fill a pew and sometimes given a “lap cloth” to hide my nakedness instead of being told WHY dressing immodestly is a sin according to God, and that God commands both women and men to dress and behave modestly. A woman jumping up and down with her breasts flapping and her behind shaking and rolling on the floor is one of the most immodest acts that I’ve ever seen in public, she may as well be sliding down a pole (and I’ve actually heard that there is a church that teaches pole dancing somewhere), anyway, calling Jesus God is denying the God of Israel which is a very dangerous thing to do. Christianity is a lie and so is their God Jesus. May God forgive me for all of the years that I spent in Christianity denying Him by calling someone else God and for denying His Torah.


  11. I agree, everything about the being slain in the spirit, is a big fat lie! I remember when I was a Christian being told by an usher to just lay on the floor until after the service, that is right after being assisted down there in the first place by the performing pastor. It’s all one big show with no real fear of God cause they don’t know who God is.


  12. I was fooled for a very long time…. I actually KNEW that Christianity was a lie, I just couldn’t prove it and because so many people are Christians in this country it made it very hard to leave the religion, and it makes a lot of people stop believing in G-d altogether because of the confusion. There will be a lot of Christians that will go to hell for fooling and misleading so many people into this filthy, idol worshiping religion. See how foolish they look?


  13. People (more people) are tired of the lies. They are tired of being lied to and tired of lying to themselves. People are waking up! There are those, however who KNOW that Christianity is pure foolishness and idolatry BUT it’s how they make their money and they are too ashamed to admit to their followers that they’ve been misled…. they’re entire lives! They are too afraid to be the only one in their family to walk away from Christianity in fear of being ostracized, they are too afraid to be the only neighbor that doesn’t have Christmas lights in their windows or a tree, they are too embarrassed to tell their boyfriend or girlfriend that celebrating holidays is pure idolatry. They are too afraid to dress modestly, they want to fit in with the rest of the world. People are afraid of everything except God!


  14. Yeah…. I used to be the loudest mouth in the church and run around looking just as foolish as the people in the memes in this post. I’m so ashamed now just reading the post because this used to be me! I’m so grateful that God allowed me to live to see the error of Christianity and gave me the guts to leave it and never ever ever look back! I have been so free since leaving all of the performances all of the lies. I too have been “assisted down” and prompted to stay on the floor until after service. I was well aware of everything when I was lying on that filthy floor. I knew that God didn’t push me down there, there wasn’t even a force that did it. It was all a big fat lie that I am ashamed of. I began to cry out to God to show me the truth and He did. I started to listen to a Rabbi, an Orthodox one. I won’t mention his name but I figure that since the Jews are Gods chosen one’s, and He gave them the Torah on Mt. Sinai, then why wouldn’t I listen to him? He knows the truth better than any Christian would because God gave them the Torah, he didn’t give it to the Christians, He gave it to the Jews. I have learned so much in one week then I learned being a Christian my entire life! Do yourselves a favor and RUN from Christianity and don’t look back! That is if you really want to learn the truth and love God, the real God who is not a man.


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