False Prophet/Magician “Pastor” Alph Lukau

Only an ABSOLUTE SPIRITUALLY BLIND PERSON won’t see that this man is a fraud! Charging R450 to “receive a blessing” from G-d!


ALL of you false Christian prophets should beware and REPENT!

Have You Ever Wondered Why The Jews Don’t Tithe?

The entire concept of tithing in the Christian community was adopted from the laws of tithing that God commanded only the Jews to do, and has been turned into a very elaborate brainwashing system used as a means of fleecing millions if not billions of ignorant, unlearned people!

The True “Son’s of Anarchy” (Part 1)

This write-up is an exposition of the spiritual sons of perdition…a lawless generation of Christians captured by Satan.

The Pentecostal/ Charismatic “Slain in The Spirit” Lie

a visitor who was “slain in the spirit” sued the church for $50,000 due to his being “slain” caused him significant bodily injury

America’s Christianity Has Always Been A Weak, Godless Religion

During the period of American slavery, Christian slave owners used the Christian bible to justify the enslavement of “black” and the original native American people! After slavery was outlawed, it was repackaged in the Christian Southern states by implementing a peonage system (aka debt slavery or debt servitude) which was outlawed in 1867 and was…

False Prophet Richard W. Hayes Dirt From The Holy Land Deception

Instead of dirt from the holy land they were given dirt from the pastors tomato garden!

A Secret That Satan And his False Prophets Don’t Want You To Know

Holiness is a level above material existence- it is a spiritual level that is absolutely attainable. There are many mysteries contained in the spiritual place of holiness, which is why Satan doesn’t want you to tap into it…

The Real Sabbath Was “Changed” By The Roman Catholic Church

According to a letter written in 1944 addressing the Roman Catholic Church regarding the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, the Roman Catholic Church believes itself to be the authority of God as given to them by their Christ and admits to intentionally changing the biblical Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday and states…