Jesus WAS NOT/IS NOT The Messiah

                                WHY JESUS WAS NOT/ IS NOT THE MESSIAH

The foundation of the Jewish Messiah is found in the Jewish bible The Torah, which was given to Moses from God on Mt. Sanai which states that all of the following criteria must be met before anyone can claim to be the Messiah. God never changed this criterion therefore; the Christian bible New Testament contributors have no authority to change it.

  1. When the Messiah is crowned King of Israel the people will be gathered in from the 2,000-year exile and returned back to Israel (Ezekiel 37:21-25) Jesus came and is now dead and no one was gathered from the 2,000-year exile and returned back to Israel.
  2. The temple in Israel will be rebuilt (Zacharia 6:12-15).Jesus came and is now dead and the temple was actually destroyed in 70 CE after his crucifixion and has not been rebuilt.
  3. There will be worldwide peace (Isaiah 2:1-4). We all know that there is no world-wide peace as of yet and there was no world-wide peace when Jesus was alive, if so, the Romans would not have crucified him. The first Jewish revolt occurred in 66-74 CE, etc.
  4. All of the Jewish people will embrace the Torah and obey all of Gods commandments (Kings 11:1-12:5). It is obvious that not all Jews are embracing the Torah and obeying all of Gods commandments, and they weren’t doing it during the time of Jesus. In Jesus’ day there were varying philosophies with the Jewish faith, some embraced the Roman rulers and some resisted with violence. Also, there would’ve been absolutely no Jewish followers of Jesus because for one, he supported the violation of Sabbath, by telling his followers that it was okay to do things that God commanded us not to do on Sabbath and to not judge such people.   
  5. All of the people in the world will come to acknowledge the One True God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Jeremiah 31:33; Isaiah 2:1-3; Isaiah 11:9; Ezekiel 37:21-25) People were worshipping idols during the time of Jesus. There was ancestral worship, and worship of Roman pagan gods during the reign of Jesus and Orisha worship in Africa (Aka, Gaganda, Dinka, etc)
  6. The Messiah will come from the tribe of Judah. (Ezekiel 27: 24-28; Micah 5:1-3; Jeremiah 23:5; Genesis 49:10-11; Ezekiel 37:24-28:) There has never been any establishment of which tribe if any Jesus came from.  

These are FACTS taken from the Torah; the Jewish bible teaching about the Jewish Messiah. If you want to walk in the truth, here it is. You will never learn the complete truth about the Jews from Christianity because the Christians don’t know it, if the Christians did know the truth they would leave Christianity and repent. If Christians believe that Jesus is/was the Messiah, why aren’t they converting to Judaism? Jesus was a Jew, wasn’t he? He wasn’t a Christian! Leave the lies and idolatry of Christianity and repent while there is still time.

This was written to recant all books and writings by Catherine Uka or Catherine Uka Dike supporting the lie that Jesus is the Messiah.

10 thoughts on “Jesus WAS NOT/IS NOT The Messiah

  1. This is the type of message that every false prophet and false teacher will tell their followers not to read or listen to. What you have written here are FACTS, facts that Christian leaders refuse to share with their followers because they are too proud to admit to them that they 1. were wrong 2. are false prophets 3. shouldn’t be teaching a dog, much less a group of people.
    May The God of Israel bless your efforts.


  2. Finally the truth of it all! I always had questions and doubts about the whole messiah conversation, it just never made sense to me a man born from a Jewish woman who is married but didn’t have intercourse with her husband and then comes up preggo AND THEN he becomes god and then morphs into three different things and then dies by the Romans. I was never ever ever taught everything written here about the messiah in Christianity. Jesus (if he was even a real person and not someone invented by the lying Romans) doesn’t check any of the boxes outlined in the Old Testament, the Jewish bible of the prerequisites of the messiah. It’s time for every Christian to reevaluate what they believe and ask themselves why they believe it. I always had doubts, I just couldn’t prove anything, not until now. Thanks for posting this. I pray that every Christian with even the slightest doubt finds this post and reads it. I crossed checked everything for myself using a Hebrew bible. It’s funny how the Christian Old Testament bible differs somewhat from the Hebrew Torah. This may be something that you could touch on in the future(?)


  3. Thank you. It’s time for those who love God to act and look as if they do. Don’t compromise or try to fit in with the masses. Right now God is seeing who is really for Him or not.


  4. I’ve been hungry for this truth my entire life, I was in and out of Christianity because I was raised in the church but always felt that it was wrong I just couldn’t prove it. God has opened my eyes to the truth and I’m so greatful for it. I was brainwashed in Christianity to not listen to the Jews, in fact to hate them because they killed the Christian icon Jesus. I no longer worship Jesus I worship God, and I know longer believe that Jesus is or was the messiah, based on what I’ve just read in the Old Testament.


  5. People are waking up to the truth! No one in his or her right mind wants to go against God and go to Hell. The truth is right there in the bible for anyone to read. There is no way that he was or could be the messiah according to scripture if one would be honest with themselves. The problem is that people have been living lies of Christianity for so long that they are too embarrassed to admit that what they have been teaching and or believing is wrong. The good thing is that it is not a sin to believe that Jesus is or was the messiah, but it is a big sin to call Jesus God!


  6. At least everything in this post is backed up by scripture therefore who can refute it? Only a fool would! And, because I do believe in God, and I know that He can not lie, I believe this! The Westerners have been brainwashed into believing that Jesus is god and the messiah, then they send their agent to Africa to brainwash all of the naive Africans to join them in a religion that leads to idol worship and hell. They wanted Africans to leave there own idols and worship their own. Na Wah O! It’s time to think about everything and if God has allowed us to read this truth we need to repent and thank Him for this opportunity to at least hear the truth and make a conscious decision.


  7. There are a lot of Christian pastors who know that what they preach is a lie but financially they can not afford to tell the people the truth else they wont get paid from tithes and offerings again. Shame on those who teach lies and lead the masses to hell!


  8. I refuse to allow my ego to usher me into hell! I know that Jesus is not god. There is only One God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. His name is not Jesus, which is a white mans name and white mans God. I will worship the true God and never step foot in a church or even say the name jesus again.


  9. I was ready for a great rebuttal before reading and re-reading and reading the scriptures for myself. Who can argue with FACTS! It’s simple. I’ve been misled and mistaught. Anyway, I know that Jesus is not God, I will never call anyone God except the God of the Jews.


  10. Hmmm, to be honest, I’ve never heard of those things that the messiah is supposed to do in order for him to be named the messiah. I’ve been basically going with the flow that I was taught since childhood. I never really questioned anything, I just do it because I was taught to without being given a choice. Just believe, even if it makes no sense is what I’ve been doing for a very long time. I’ve also been taught that the things of God don’t make sense. I can’t understand though if we are believing in the God of the Jews, why aren’t we reading their bible? Why do we have a separate belief system? I want to know the truth so that i’m not wasting my life on something that will lead to hell or nowhere at all.


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