I never believed that Sid Roth OF ALL PEOPLE could ever-would ever promote the likes of renowned False prophets/Magicians/Occultists  Alph Lukau, TB Joshua, Hakeem Collins and the despicable Rich Vera! I know that Sid Roth by his own admission is an ex-Satanist, an Occultist and a Psychic who once used Demonic Spirit Guides and practiced Astro-Projection. Perhaps he has decided to take a stroll back down memory lane by using his platform to introduce these pure, evil men as holy men of God!  American Christianity is laughable indeed! 

Is Sid Roth under some type of demonic spell? Did he sell out for ratings, was he paid off or does Sid Roth have absolutely no spiritual insight at all?!  For Sid Roth to welcome these men who are undoubtedly the epitome of evil is causing great concern in the American Christian community.   Why would Sid Roth welcome the images of these evil predators onto his platform? Why would he endorse these false prophets, witches and occultists who would do nothing but harm innocent men, women and children who will be led to them by his endorsement?  Sid Roth claims to be a “bible believer,” so perhaps he hasn’t read Proverbs 4:14!  Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men, or Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the wicked, and standeth not in the way of sinners, and sitteth not in the seat of scorners.   

MY GOD!!!! Many innocent people will be led straight to the camps of Satan himself thanks to false prophet Rich Vera and Sid Roth‘s platform. Watch the video and see for yourself! 

              The only “fire” that these false prophets will bring to America is HELL FIRE! 

False Prophet Alph Lukau Uses MK (OR JUJU) To Control His Congregation

American prophets~ Made in Africa (Introduction)

False Prophet/Magician Alph Lukau Is Making South African’s Look Like Fools!

The Secret Evil Life of False Prophet/Occultist TB Joshua FINALLY EXPOSED!

False Prophet/Magician “Pastor” Alph Lukau

I have been using my online platforms to warn Americans for years of the impending doom that is headed this way by means of false African prophets who are indoctrinating American prophets into their web of evil demonism who in turn victimize many unknowing American church-goers by infecting them with sickness, diseases and disasters by way of anointing oils, holy water, laying on of hands, money and gift exchanges, money donations, sexual encounters and other means. The evil that I’ve been warning you of is already upon us people of God, and the only way to protect yourselves and your loved ones is to BE HOLY and STAY AWAY FROM THESE MONSTERS! AMERICA IS IN TROUBLE and NOW IS THE TIME for the people of God to remain steadfast in holiness. 

2 Things That Occultists Disguised As Prophets Wont Do


43 thoughts on “SID ROTH has SOLD OUT!

  1. Yes, Sid Roth has absolutely sold out and it began it A LONG TIME AGO!!! I’m not surprised but I am really really disappointed! I will NEVER send money to his program ever again because he sits in the counsel of the wicked and the Almighty God is not pleased!!!!


    • Dear Nichole am from Uganda and I was also disappointed by Sid when I saw him host ED citronelli a son of the devil false prophet . Am doing my best to expose all evil satanic pastors in Uganda and that is my ministry. We have many testmonis of Victims of false prophets.


  2. Is this a joke? Are you serious??? I’m in utter shock and disappointment if this is true. Sid Roth has joined the counsel of the wicked and I am heartbroken. THIS IS WHY I DON’T BELIEVE IN CHRISTIANITY!!!!!! Christians ALWAYS COMPROMISE! They always join forces with evil! I’ll continue on the path of the non-religious ones whose only desire is to be steadfast in holiness and pleasing God.


  3. It’s all coming to an end! America has already conformed to the ways of Sodom and Gomorrah, people are more interested in magic instead of ministry. People have lost the desire to be holy and trust God and have began to chase other gods. America has let in these foreign demons by welcoming them and our families and communities are paying with their very souls because of ignorance. The fire of God is blazing and soon every practitioner of evil will be EXPOSED and DISPOSED OF! There is no hiding place from God, all wickedness seen and unseen WILL BE DEALT WITH BY THE FIRE OF GOD! BE HOLY- YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!


  4. Sid Roth has never really left his dark roots! DEMONS DONT LEAVE-EVER! They hover around waiting patiently for the day that you allow just a speck of darkness back into yourself so that they have a LEGAL RIGHT to regain entrance inside of you. For Sid to allow himself to be used to introduce these pure evil men as holy men is an abomination! How much did they pay you Sid? Was it worth the curse that will follow your family for generations? Was it worth your soul?


  5. Im just sitting here with my mouth WIDE OPEN in utter disbelief! what is happening!!!!! ???? These days are worse than in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is time for holiness and nothing else. This is serious.


  6. What is so sad is that so many so-called Christians who have television and radio platforms have sold out!!! This man was in a position to where many people could have (and have been) rescued from the hands of satan. Now, look at him, how shameful, what a big disappointment. We are seeing continuously how people are wavering in their faith and it’s sad. God’s judgment awaits those who have led His children astray.


    • Wow. I did not know all this, but was never attracted to Sid Roth’s ministry because of his use of the hexagram (six-pointed star) which is the major symbol of occultism, witchcraft, and secret societies such as freemasonry and Kabballah. The Scriptures speak of the last days and “seducing spirits and doctrines of demons” and maybe this is involved. The other one in question is Jonathan Cahn—-he has made big inroads in the Christian community and has written books that has some facts, but he too, is addicted to the hexagram and in fact wears it on a prayer shawl and gives the Aaronic blessing of Numbers 6:24-27 in all the Christian Churches that he speaks in–introducing this satanic six-pointed star to Christians as they think it is Jewish from Judah/Israel. God gave the children of Israel the Seven Golden Lampstand as the symbol of His Everlasting Covenant (Leviticus 24:8 etc). Check this out. We need to pray against deceptions.


  7. What most people don’t know about Sid Roth is that he used to be a Satanist (you can research this yourself, it’s no secret). He used to have an ungodly spirit guide, he was involved in a dark society, he was even a soth sayer so him validating people like Alph Lukau means absolutely nothing to an American! Sid Roth sold out a very long time ago, he isn’t credible enough to validate anyone. The only thing that Roth has going for him is a television platform- that’s all and that in no means makes him special, superior or even holy!


  8. To be honest with you, Sid Roth sold out a long time ago! It was done very subtly and I believe it’s because he wasn’t getting high ratings on his television program. I mean, who is Sid Roth? He’s no more of a man than the kid working at McDonalds. He’s just a confused Jewish man with a television program, that’s all. For a REAL JEW to call himself a Christian tells you a lot about him already. This man was PAID OFF by those wicked African false prophets, they paid him to promote them and he took the bait! Well, one thing that he should know and that is that you don’t eat from Satan for free. He should ask Rich Vera!


  9. They say “Birds of a feather flock together” and that saying is true! Come on, Sid can’t differentiate light from darkness? I beg to differ! Sid Roth knows a lot more than he will ever admit to the fools who follow him, I’ll tell you that! Until Christians start calling sin-sin the curse of blindness will be their portion.


  10. Please, continue to share these vital truths with the public. These are the types of things that most (not all) have absolutely no knowledge of. The unimaginable is taking place right before our very eyes and is using the pulpit as a bed of filth. Foreign gods have infiltrated the church and social media platforms, and a false holiness has the eyes of many blinded. May God continue to use you and order your steps as you allow Him to use you to bring knowledge of this evil that is taking over the church and this country.


  11. Sid Roth has certainly bitten off more than he can chew! But it makes me wonder about him, I mean seriously! You know, it takes a “certain kind of person” to even be in the same click as TB Joshua and the likes of him. Just goes to show you that just because people like Sid Roth say Jesus Jesus Jesus does not mean that they are interested in living a life pleasing to God.


  12. This news has really broken my heart. I really admired Sid Roth, I really did. This is such a big disappointment and is one of the reasons that I will NEVER believe in church, Christians, religion or Jesus again!


  13. They’ve ALL sold out! They’ve sold out to FAME and MONEY! The ones who claim to be super spiritual and “separated” are selling out for attention, to be recognized as “saviors.” When God said narrow is the path is true (God can’t lie anyway), VERY FEW find the path and stay on the path that leads to God!


  14. He’s another confused Christian who sold out a long time ago! Anyone who would choose Christianity over being a Jew has a spiritual problem but TRUE REPENTANCE can fix that!


  15. Sid Roth sold out a very very very long time ago and he’s but another example of how anyone can join the confused religion of Christianity. “We’ll believe that Sid is legit because he’s on television” is the stupid, confused mindset of most Christians! If they’re on a pedestal, they are believed and accepted without question much less prayer and discernment.




  16. Yes he has, but Sid Roth has never been who people were fooled to believe he was anyway. The problem is discernment. Aint nobody discerning, and if they are, they’re too afraid to say anything because we have been programmed to keep quiet but I believe that God is setting the captives of fear free to proclaim thus saith the Lord! The pulpit has failed God but God has people everywhere, not only on pulpits and they are not using a religious inspired vocabulary either. Sid Roth has sold out, the pastor downtown has sold out, the missionary workers have sold out, gospel artists have sold out, Christians have sold out. There’s a remnant that have been looked down upon, told that they weren’t worthy and otherwise frowned upon that God is raising up now. God created ALL FLESH to be used by Him, the pulpit preachers need to understand that!


  17. Keep exposing! It’s what God told us to do! He will NEVER destroy the righteous with the wicked so don’t let anyone tell you that “you’re doing more harm than good”. We’ve gotten to this point because the people who claim to love God kept their mouths shut and sat back and watched Satan come in and they are still keeping their mouths closed. All this “don’t judge” is going to cause a great judgment on the land and those who didn’t judge while walking upright before the Lord


  18. What more will it take people of God for your eyes to open? Truths are starting to come out. Truth be told we are all walking around thinking that we are full of knowledge when we actually don’t know much at all. Even the well learned and the super spiritual ones don’t know even a fraction of the truth unless God Himself actually reveals it to him or her. We need to be on our knees more now than ever before people. We need to ask God to give us insight so that we wont be fooled by the tricks of the enemy. Do you think that we’re dealing with a dumb devil? Do you think that Satan will make himself seen clearly and easily detected? Ya’ll need to WAKE UP! How long will you sleep? You believe everything that you see and hear and that’s why the church is messed up the way it is today! Everything seems like only stories but I tell you that one day we will ALL have to stand before our Creator and give an account for EVERYTHING. That day will seem to have come overnight. It’s time to get serious about real salvation. People walking around saying “I’m saved” are very far from being saved. Sid Roth, Riverra and everyone participating in similar wickedness will have there day before the Almighty God! Repent and turn from your evil now while there is still time! Blessings.


    • I am just so Thankful that people that know the truth are finally sounding the alarm! People don’t realize they have to throw the idols out of their lives. God is taking care of that by shining the light on all the corruption. It is so great to come into the light and worship our savior Jesus. Thanks so much


  19. Anyone and I say anyone who has any dealings with TB Joshua and Alph Lukau is completely wicked. I am so disappointed because there are people in Africa who don’t know this thing about Sid Roth and believe him to be such an honorable man. Who in Africa don’t know TB Joshua is an occultist? or that Alph Lukau is a false prophet and a suspected occultist as well?


  20. A long time ago! Let me tell you this. Anyone who shakes hands with these people that Sid Roth has shaken hands with, has shaken hands with the devil himself. Anyone who knows nothing about TB Joshua or these other evil men have a lot to learn very quickly.


  21. Yes he has sold out! As well as MOST of these other false prophet, fame seeking, back stabbing hypocrites that are behind the Babylonian pulpits! When you hob knob with known witches and false prophets YOU HAVE SOLD OUT! And all of the rest of the televised Christians who always have something to sell with THEIR PHOTOS plastered all on the covers….. God sees all and He has given His true followers eyes to see through the smokescreen as well.


  22. Yes he has and he stands in line of thousands of other Christians who have sold out also. The Western world is waking up and now all of the ignorant Africans are online doing his bidding! Sid Roth is all about MONEY, FAME, and RATINGS! Africans can’t see past television and will defend him relentlessly due to ignorance. May God open their eyes to put their focus on God instead of men!


  23. …. and look at America now! In fact, look at the world. Roth snob knobbed with these spiritual bottom crawlers for money, new content, who knows how he profited but he compromised his soul by doing it. Out of all of them which one warned America about the virus? NONE OF THEM DID! I used to look up to Sid, I never could understand why I Jew decided to call Jesus God but at least he turned from his life of darkness (so I thought) only to learn that he joined forces with some of the darkest men in Africa. Shame on Sid! Yes, shame!!!!


  24. Wow wow wow! Sid Roth, no background checks? Just read through the articles posted of the lady you have hosted recently, it appears that her and her husband (Yvon and Mina Attia) are WANTED over in Australia for their crimes, giving viagra to children to make a few extra $$, this is insane. Does anyone have any more information on this, this is serious stuff.


  25. Anything for profit Sid??? Did you enjoy the proceeds from this broadcast? When you can do a google search only to find out the people you are hosting are known criminals in another country, have been on news channels for committed crimes. They are probably fleeing to America, where our boarders seem to have no restrictions. SID – YOU HAVE SOLD OUT! God sees all, you can’t fool him.


  26. Wow! Wonders shall never end O! What I can’t understand is why people who claim to love God so much can’t obey even the simplest commandment?! God tells us to “put not your trust in man (Psalms 146)” but we disobediently put our trust in people anyway! Sid Roth IS NOT SPECIAL! He has never been and never will be. The problem lays in our own disobedience in trusting him in the first place!


  27. I first heard of Sid Roth on Coast to Coast AM. He seemed a nice guy but, on the other hand, as a conduit of so many miracles and acts of healing from God, he stretched credibility to the uttermost. Man, he sounded like a miracle machine, busier than Ford and his Lizzie.

    There is so much deception in the field of religion. We need to take everything with a pinch of salt today. I must say, though, I’m enjoying the country gospel songs on Bill Gaither’s Homecoming Show
    as there is a warm fellowship in evidence among Bill’s people.

    Jesus wouldn’t say, My way or the highway!

    Keep an open mind, folks, and think for yourself!

    If Sid Roth truly has the gift of healing (through God) that’s a blessing from the Higher Power.

    If he’s inviting charlatans onto his Supernatural TV show, that’s not wise, Sid!


  28. I honestly believe that’s where most of these diseases have come from. These witches that call themselves prophets have conjured up demons from hell and can’t send them back where they came from. Playing with evil is no joke! God is nothing to play with!


  29. He sold out a very long time ago, and the sad thing about it is that so many stupid people believe in him. If Satan kissed most people in the mouth they would call him an angel.


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